Monday, May 10, 2010

Ch. 20 Journal


Urbanization can be the root of many problems. A housing challenge emerges because there are not enough houses to hold the influx of people in the city. There is also a work shortage as not enough jobs are open for people to work and make a living. Thus, many people seek jobs in the informal sector.

"city level studies have revealed that the social response to economic crisis and austerity has produced a variety of changes at the household level. These include increased labor force participation by women and income earning on the part of children and the elderly" (p. 435). From this quote it is clear that economic crisis affects the most vulnerable populations in society; women, children and the elderly. In times of economic hardship it must be twice as hard to scrape together a living, which can affect their diet, their kid's ability to go to school etc.

"Bangalore is the Silicon Valley of India and has developed a world reputation as a computer soft-ware center. For many cities their global niche is to provide a manufacturing base, often founded on low labor costs and export-oriented activities" (p. 433) It is interesting how cities are urban centers for technology but lots of it is built on under-paid workers and for some, the exploitation of women and children.

According to the book, Bombay has one of the highest population densities in the world, one reason is because the area was originally seven linked islands. People live in shelters made out of plastic, cardboard, cloth or whatever they can find. Right next to these slums is 'Bollywood,' India's gleaming epicenter for film and where the wealthy live. It is interesting to note that the author said the slums as intransitory, so a family can live on a crowded patch of pavement for 20-30 years; communities develop and mature and for slums to seem established to a foreigner's eyes might be a little surprising, since they may seem so uncluttered and unorganized to the naked eye.

When people live in crowded areas and they are poor, they will tend to have poor health and nutrition. They tend to live shorter lives. Increased # of births and migration contribute to urban growth. Some social needs: water, sanitation, drainage. In summary, it is important for governments and city planners to recognize urban dwellers as active citizens. In this century, the world's poorest populations will be in the South and urban poverty will be a problem due to rapid urbanization. When one is poor, it is tough to make a living in the city.

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